
My name is Sam and I’m the person behind Hello Slow Down.  I’m an ocean dweller, sunshine chaser and wholefood enthusiast. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Health Science in Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine. In a nutshell this means I work to understand the biochemistry of what makes you you and I translate the science of holistic health all so you don’t have to. 

I’m your cheerleader, your teammate, your biggest fan. Why? Because I understand that reaching health goals isnt about what I say or prescribe, it’s about the work you do. And doing the work, making changes, that’s really, really hard, but it’s also where the magic happens. So I’m here to ask you to slow down, to listen to your body, and my goal is to make it as fun and as effortless as possible. 

I’m a Holistic Clinical Nutritionist, which is a mouthful. I believe the holistic part is imperative because food is only part of the story when it comes to wellbeing. How you spend your day, who you interact with, the stories you tell yourself, these are all factors that affect long term health outcomes. It will never just be about food when we work together, we’ll go deep on all areas of your life because at the end of the day I want you to walk away feeling good about yourself with the tools and understanding of what positive health means for you!

Samantha Wilson
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine)
Accredited member of the Australian Natural Therapist Association

About Sam

Wanna see if we’d make a good team? Let’s chat!

Picking the right practitioner can be tricky that’s why I’m happy to have a chat first to see if we connect. It’s a good opportunity to ask questions about how I might be able to help you and we can nut out any finer details about what you can expect when we team up.